Tuesday, April 10, 2007


We went to an Easter play at my sister-in-law's church. While watching the play I was struck by the profound trajedy of Judas' personal weakness and failure. At intermission I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote out the following question:

Who would sell out a man to death for the price of a new car? Who would sell out a close friend? Who would sell out their Lord and King - for, for mere money?

Judas - so close to the light, yet so full of darkness. I wonder if Jesus had him in mind when he taught that if the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness. Judas - who was one of the twelve chosen apostles. Judas who was paired up with another disciple when sent out two by two - working miracles by the power of Jesus name. Judas - who was trusted with the finances of Jesus' ministry.

The story of Judas is enough to make anyone fear. When told that one of their number would betray him the other disciples asked "is it me?" If Judas could have been so close to the light and yet failed so miserably, where does that leave you and me? Only Peter and John were confident enough that they asked instead - "who is it?" Of course only a few hours later Peter also failed his Lord in a graphic demonstration of human weakness.

Pilate also struck me by his personal weakness and failure. He believed Jesus to be innocent and declared him as such, yet had him beaten anyway. He even tried to release him at one point. Then in fear and frustration he acquiessed and ordered him to be crucified - all to appease a group of people that he personally dispised. Such weakness and failure.

When they led Jesus to be crucified, I had to close my eyes and I heard myself calling "No, no." I was not man enough to watch even the renactment of what my Lord had to actually endure. I should have died for him, not him for me. For me there is no greater shame than to know that my Lord was cruicified for me - and there is no greater reason to love him.

The resurection - what hope. Because he lives, I live. The power of the risen Christ - in me, and with me and for me - and I for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I happened to flip past the "Praise a thon" on TV and a tv preacher was talking about how you need to put your dreams in the hands of god, he actually said that whatever you dream was, be it a boat or your child's college, you should take that money and put it in the hands of god, that is, send it to their ministry.

Oh, how the holding and seeking of money corrupted them. I once read, and still believe, that anyone who tells you that money is a problem and follows up by asking for your money is corrupt to the core.

It's interesting that the betrayer is also the money handler.