Friday, February 01, 2008

Added Links

When I first created this blog I wasn’t sure why I was doing it or even if anyone else would read it. Since the comments section is pretty quiet I assumed only a few family members ever visited. Recently I discovered Google Analytics, which revealed that many people have found my blog from search engines or referrals from other blogs. While I can’t be sure what brought each of you to this blog, I’m sure that at least some of you must be interested in this spiritual journey that some call House Church or Simple Church – although its really about so much more than the model of how we do church.

When God first began to churn my spirit and shake up my spiritual worldview I honestly wondered if I was the only one who thought the way I did. I have now discovered that there are many who are putting the lessons I’ve learned into practice, and are doing so with great wisdom and humility. Therefore I’ve decided to add links to the blogs and resources that I’ve found most helpful. I’m so tempted to describe each one for you and tell you how its been helpful to me, but perhaps it would be better just to leave as an area to explore.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes the comments are quiet just because people don't have a specific response, not because they aren't reading.

Like a Mustard Seed said...

What Steve said is very true. Often we've found that it's when we're really excited about a post that we've written, when we feel like it might be one of the more thought-provoking or edifying ones, that's when it seems like we get the least feedback.... We've had to learn to not feel weird about that. I haven't read much on your blog yet, but I probably will read more in the near future.

I found you after reading your very wise words to both Keith and Paul over at Subversive1, that whole exchange was definately spiraling down an unproductive path, and I'm praying that your words will be used to help some sort of conclusion to be reached with that. I know Keith has offered to meet for coffee and continue the discussion that way, and I hope that happens. Just wanted to say thanks for jumping in and bringing attention to the underlying reasons why there is such a disconnect between them in that discussion. My wife and I are one a similar journey to what you described in your profile, so it's nice to meet you btw. Hope to get to know you a little better over time...

In God's grace, Daniel