Its amazing how hard something so easy can be. Simply Be.
I’ve struggled with wanting to DO something for God and I feel like I’m not doing anything worthwhile. Why hasn't God given me the next set of instructions? If God want's us to leave our current fellowship, then when and where do we go? Simply Be.
I’ve struggled with knowledge – trying to understand difficult passages of scripture and see where they fit in the overall message of scripture. Simply Be.
I’ve struggled with frustration at rejection and misunderstanding by others who seem not to care about the truths God has shown me in scripture. A little knowledge gets me all upset. Simply Be.
I've struggled with concerns about my job - the type of game I'm being asked to make, the layoffs I've survived but my friends haven't, the long commute and long working hours, and the inner certainty that its time to move on, but not knowing what to move on to. Simply Be.
I’m constantly in motion, searching, thinking, and striving – when God wants to teach me how to be at rest. To sit at his feet and love him in perfect peace, and let raging storms be something that's only on the outside of me, and not on the inside. God could end my struggling in a moment by simply giving me the direction, knowledge and favor I seek. He'd rather end my struggling by teaching me to rest. All these irritants are really just that. God knew that by giving me knowledge without direction, I'd tear myself up. Now that I've experienced that he wants to teach me to take trust to a new level. The same God who provided knowledge will provide direction and timing. Until he does he wants to provide himself a refuge of peace and serenity. Simply Be.
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
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